Friday, January 29, 2010

Sore Nipples More Condition_symptoms Cramping, Sore Nipples Not Suppose To Start Period For 2-3 More Weeks?

Cramping, Sore Nipples Not suppose to start period for 2-3 more weeks? - sore nipples more condition_symptoms

I had cramps really bad for 2 weeks after my last time, I thought it was ovulation, but a test and a negative, but a week later my chest was painful, but now my breasts are very sensitive, because I had not even sat down I like to move and feel a little pain to numbness ... will make a PG test, but missed a couple of other ideas in the not for pg.


MiSs HottnesS said...

You should go a test of the sound you are pregnant!
Good luck

mzr6ryda said...

Umm you need to pass a test

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